Singing with us

What will be expected of me?

An ability to sing in tune, a commitment to attend regular rehearsals, learning and developing with us, and a love of a broad range of music are all important if you decide to apply to join us.
You do not need to be able to read music. Many of our members have not sung in a choir before and have been completely new to exploring their voice.
What support is provided?

Our induction and the expert guidance and support from our musical team and section leaders means that whatever your previous experience, we’ll have you singing in no time and on your way to reading music effectively. Once you’re singing with us we are sure you will be hooked and motivation won’t be a problem.
Further information
To find out more please Contact Us
We meet on Thursday Evenings at 19:30
St. Columbas Church Hall
70 Headingley Lane
Leeds LS6 2DH